المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : clearly in order to act fairly

AlZeer Salim
06-06-2008, 03:29 PM
My aim is just to let the world to know the truth clearly in order to act fairly.If you have any question! do not hesitate to mail me.Thanks for your struggle for South Yemen/Arabia.

To the free world:
To the press:
To whom it may concerns:
I ask you , your government and the free world to put an end to this backward tribal ruling family regime and provide peace and safety for all, can you please take the following requests into considerations.
1. Retreat from South Yemen up to the borders before 22 may 1990.
2.Helping the people in North Yemen to select their president in democratic manner.
3.Drying the source of terrorism in Yemen , in assistant the Yemeni people to salvation, liberation, and emancipation of the dictatorial and terrorist regime, in the context of the international war on terrorism.
4. Stop supporting the regime of this ruling family; financially or morally, but continue supporting the Yemeni people in South as well as in North away from the hands of this ruling family . However, it can not be a democratic regime that relies on military force and oppression to control over all parts of Yemen , nor can it fight the corruption and the terrorism, because it is corrupt and terrorist regime.
5. Declare that this existing regime of the ruling family in Yemen is not a partner in the fight against the terrorism. Since we believe in the freedom of speech and press we can not put our hands and cooperate with the dictatorial and terrorist regimes.
6. Pressure this dictatorship regime to extradite AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property because of his relations to the terrorism organization.
7.Pressure the regime to release the political prisoners and the journalists.
8. Pressure this imposed family military regime not to closure the opponent newspapers and websites, and not to prevent the legitimate peaceful demonstrations.That reflects the Yemeni citizens’ demands to their national and historical rights that were taken away by this ruling family in both parts of Yemen.
9. looking at the visit of this illegal President of Yemen to your country to assesset hem and his military tribal family regime in order to declare it as a failure State,occupier of South Yemen and tyranny of North Yemen.
10.Looking at his delivery as soon as possible to The International Court of Justice for committing war crimes in South Yemen summer 1994,crimes against humanity and supporting the international terrorism. Thank you for your possible help to the international community and the new orientation towards a world free from dictatorship and terrorism.

07-28-2008, 05:13 PM
My aim is just to let the world to know the truth clearly in order to act fairly.If you have any question! do not hesitate to mail me.Thanks for your struggle for South Yemen/Arabia.

To the free world:
To the press:
To whom it may concerns:
I ask you , your government and the free world to put an end to this backward tribal ruling family regime and provide peace and safety for all, can you please take the following requests into considerations.
1. Retreat from South Yemen up to the borders before 22 may 1990.
2.Helping the people in North Yemen to select their president in democratic manner.
3.Drying the source of terrorism in Yemen , in assistant the Yemeni people to salvation, liberation, and emancipation of the dictatorial and terrorist regime, in the context of the international war on terrorism.
4. Stop supporting the regime of this ruling family; financially or morally, but continue supporting the Yemeni people in South as well as in North away from the hands of this ruling family . However, it can not be a democratic regime that relies on military force and oppression to control over all parts of Yemen , nor can it fight the corruption and the terrorism, because it is corrupt and terrorist regime.
5. Declare that this existing regime of the ruling family in Yemen is not a partner in the fight against the terrorism. Since we believe in the freedom of speech and press we can not put our hands and cooperate with the dictatorial and terrorist regimes.
6. Pressure this dictatorship regime to extradite AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property because of his relations to the terrorism organization.
7.Pressure the regime to release the political prisoners and the journalists.
8. Pressure this imposed family military regime not to closure the opponent newspapers and websites, and not to prevent the legitimate peaceful demonstrations.That reflects the Yemeni citizens’ demands to their national and historical rights that were taken away by this ruling family in both parts of Yemen.
9. looking at the visit of this illegal President of Yemen to your country to assesset hem and his military tribal family regime in order to declare it as a failure State,occupier of South Yemen and tyranny of North Yemen.
10.Looking at his delivery as soon as possible to The International Court of Justice for committing war crimes in South Yemen summer 1994,crimes against humanity and supporting the international terrorism. Thank you for your possible help to the international community and the new orientation towards a world free from dictatorship and terrorism.

بلادي الهدف هو فقط لكافة العالم لمعرفة الحقيقة واضحة لقانون fairly.if لديك أي سؤالديك لا تتردد في البريد الالكتروني الخاص بك لme.thanks الكفاح من اجل جنوب اليمن / العربية.

الى العالم الحر :
الى الصحافة :
الى الذين قد الإهتمامات :
اطلب اليكم ، حكومتكم والعالم الحر لوضع حد لهذه الخلفية القبلية في اوساط الاسرة الحاكمة على النظام وتوفر السلام والامان للجميع ، هل يمكن ان يرجى اتخاذ تطلب الى الاعتبارات التالية.
1. التراجع عن جنوب اليمن وصولا الى الحدود قبل 22 ايار / مايو 1990.
2.helping الناس في شمال اليمن لاختيار رئيس لهم فى بطريقة ديمقراطيه.
3.drying مصدر الارهاب في اليمن ، ومساعد الشعب اليمني الخلاص والتحرير ، والانعتاق من نظام ديكتاتوري وارهابي ، وذلك في سياق الحرب الدولية على الارهاب.
4. وقف دعم هذا النظام من الاسرة الحاكمة ؛ ماليا او معنويا ، ولكن مواصلة دعم الشعب اليمني في الجنوب وكذلك في الشمال بعيدا عن ايدي هذه الاسرة الحاكمة. ومع ذلك ، فإنه لا يمكن اقامة نظام ديمقراطى يعتمد على القوة العسكرية والقهر الى السيطرة على جميع انحاء اليمن ، كما لا يمكن محاربة الفساد والارهاب ، لأنها فاسدة والنظام الارهابيه.
5. تعلن ان هذا النظام القائم من العائلة الحاكمة في اليمن ليست شريكا في الكفاح ضد الارهاب. لأننا نؤمن في حرية الكلام والصحافة لا يمكننا وضع ايدينا والتعاون مع الانظمه الديكتاتوريه والارهابيه.
6. هذا الضغط لتسليم نظام الدكتاتوريه abdullmajid Al - zandani ، وتجميد امواله بسبب علاقاته الارهاب الى المنظمه.
7.pressure النظام من اجل اطلاق سراح السجناء السياسيين والصحفيين.
8. ضغط الاسرة التي فرضها هذا النظام العسكري لا المعارض لاغلاق الصحف والمواقع على شبكة الانترنت ، وليس لمنع سلميه مشروعة demonstrations.that يعكس اليمنية المواطنين الى المطالب الوطنية والحقوق التاريخية ان اقتادهم هذه العائلة الحاكمة في كل من أجزاء من اليمن .
9. وعند النظر الى هذا العمل غير القانوني والزيارة التي قام بها رئيس اليمن الى بلدكم لassesset حاشيه والقبلية وضعه العسكري في نظام الاسرة من اجل ان تعلن انها دولة فاشله ، من جنوب اليمن المحتل والطغيان من شمال اليمن.
10.looking في مكتبه في ايصال اقرب وقت ممكن الى محكمة العدل الدولية لارتكابهم جرائم حرب في جنوب اليمن صيف عام 1994 ، والجرائم ضد الانسانيه ودعم الارهاب الدولي. شكرا لك على مساعدة ممكنة الى المجتمع الدولي والتوجه الجديد نحو عالم خال من الدكتاتوريه والارهاب.
تمت الترجمة من بمنتدى صوت الجنوب عن طريق الشيخ جوجل

11-05-2009, 09:08 PM
we r talking about ali abdullah saleh here
u think anyone can help our country ????
he will kill the public before any move they would tend to do
i wish anyone can help us
but i really thing it's a dying wish
i'm not negative but i'm just real cuz im leaving in a similar country where there is no freedom :)
best regards