المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : وبدات سلسلة بيانات منظمات حقوق الانسان تتوالى

05-06-2009, 11:27 PM
وبدات سلسلة بيانات منظمات حقوق الانسان تتوالى
وقد فهمها الرئيس الطالح في الاول الا انه اغتر ببيان السفارة وقراه بعد ان ترجمه له محبوه الذين لم يحسنوا ترجمته ترفقا بزعيمهم

واليوم هذه اول الخير في سلسلة تعرية منظمة سيتولاها الخيرين من اجل تقديم الطالح قريبا الى قفص العدالة

منظمة العفو الدولية ,, اعتقالات بمعزل عن العالم الخارجي وبواعث قلق بشاءن التعذيب وسؤ المعاملة وغيرة ,, ومطالبة فورية باطلاق سراح الاسرى
اصدرت منظمة العفو الدولية امس بيان يطالب السلطات اليمنية اطلاق سراح المعتقليين فورا وبدون اي شروط ,, وجاء في البيان ان المنظمة لاتعرف الجهة التي اقتاد اليها المعتقلين وتعتقد انهم رحلوا الى سجون الامن السياسي ب صنعاء ,, وتحذر من تباعات تعرض المعتقلين للعذيب او سؤ المعاملة او غيرة ,وتعتبرهم مناضلي راي سياسي ومطالبهم سلمية ,, وشرح البيان الظروف التي يتعرض لها الجنوب في اعتصاماتة السلمية ومطالبة الاستقلالية ,, وحالة العنصرية والتفرقة بين مواطني الجنوب والشمال وخاصة العسكريين ,,
كما قال البيان ان النظام صادر عدد كبير من النسخ للعدد من المطبوعات التي يراء التقرير ان السلطة تتهم تلك الصحف بالحديث عن مايجري في الجنوب ,, وورد التقرير محاصرة الامن اليمني لموقع مبنى صحيفة الايام بعدن
وتحدث التقرير عن المعتقليين قاسم عسكر واحمد بامعلم وفادي باعوم

نص التقرير باللغة الانجليزية
******** - Yemen: Incommunicado detention/Fear of torture or other ill treatment/ Possible prisoners of conscience

PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 31/006/2009

05 May 2009

UA 119/09 Incommunicado detention/Fear of torture or other ill treatment/ Possible prisoners of conscience

YEMEN Qassim ‘Askar Jubran (m), retired officer and former Yemeni ambassador

Ahmad Muhammad Ba Mu’allam (m)

Fadi Ba’oom (m)

Qassim ‘Askar Jubran, Ahmad Muhammad Ba Mu’allam and Fadi Ba’oom are being held inincommunicado detention, where they are at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. Unconfirmed reports suggest that they are being held at the Political Security Prison in the capitalSana’a. Amnesty International is concerned that they may be prisoners of conscience, held solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

Ahmad Muhammad Ba Mu’allam and Fadi Ba’oom were respectively arrested on 15 and 18 April 2009 in Al-Mukalla, a city in the Hadhramout coastal region, in the southern part of Yemen. Qassim ‘Askar Jubran, a retired officer and former Yemeni ambassador, was arrested on 16 or 17 April in the city of Aden.

Amnesty International does not know the exact reasons for the men’sarrest and detention, but they are said to have been targeted for their connection with a coalition of political groups known as the Southern Movement, whichis seen by the government of Yemen as calling for the independence of the southern part of the country. Qassim ‘Askar Jubran and Ahmad Muhammad Ba Mu’allam are said to be leading figures of the Southern Movement. Fadi Ba’oom is the son of Hassan Ba’oom, who is also considered to be a leading figure in the Southern Movement.

The Southern Movement is said to have been behind protests in the southern governorates in the lead-up to 27 April 2009, the date marking the 15th anniversary of the start of the civil war in 1994 between the Yemeni government in Sana’a and southern separatists. In response to the recent protests, the government has deployed security forces to a number of towns and villages. There have been reports of armed clashes in some areas, which are said to have resulted in deaths and injuries on both sides.

The authorities are reported to have confiscated copies of about six newspapers from newsagents on 4 May, because they were suspected of expressing views favourable to the secession of the south in their coverage of the protests. One of these newspapers, al-Ayyam, an Aden-****d Arabic daily, is said to have also had its offices encircled by security forces yesterday and copies of the publication prevented from being distributed.

Protests in the south of Yemen have been sporadically taking place for about two years. They began with protests by retired soldiers from the south, who have increasingly been voicing concern that they do not receive the same treatment in employment, salary and pensions as soldiers from the north of the country. Most of the retired soldiers are from the army of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), commonly known as South Yemen. Following the unification of the country in 1990, the armies of both the PDRY and the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), commonly known as North Yemen, were merged into a single army force for the new Republic of Yemen. However, after the civil war of 1994, many of the soldiers of the former PDRY were dismissed from the army. These, as well as those who remained in the current unified army, allege that they are subject to discrimination compared to soldiers originally from the army of the YAR. The Southern Movement appears to have emerged following these protests.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Arabic or English or your own language:
- urging the authorities to ensure that Qassim ‘Askar Jubran, Ahmad Muhammad Ba Mu’allam and Fadi Ba’oom are protected from torture and other ill-treatment, and are allowed prompt and regular access to lawyers of their choosing, their families and to any medical treatment they may require;

- noting that if they are held solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, Amnesty International would consider them to be prisoners of conscience and call for their immediate and unconditional release;

- asking for details of any charges they face to be made public, and calling on the authorities to ensure that any legal proceedings against them conform to international fair trial standards;

- expressing concern that a number of newspapers have been targeted solely for having covered the protests.


His Excellency General ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Saleh

Office of the President of the Republic of Yemen


Republic of Yemen

Fax: + 967 127 4147

Salutation: Your Excellency

Attorney General

His Excellency ‘Abdullah al-‘Ulufi

Office of the Attorney General


Republic of Yemen

Fax: + 967 137 4412

Salutation: Your Excellency

Minister of the Interior

His Excellency Mutaher Rashad al Masri

Ministry of the Interior

Sana’a, Republic of Yemen

Fax: + 967 1 332 511

Salutation: Your Excellency

Minister of Human Rights

Her Excellency Houda ‘Ali ‘Abdullatif al-Baan

Ministry for Human Rights

Sana’a, Republic of Yemen

Fax: + 967 1 444 833

and to diplomatic representatives of Yemen accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY.Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 16 June 2009.

منظمة العفو الدولية - لندن

نص البيان منشور على موقع منظمة العفو الدولية
[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات]

05-06-2009, 11:41 PM
انشاء الله هذه اول بشائر الخير للجنوب وابناءه واتنمى ان ارى الشاويش يقتاد الى حبل المشنقه ويشنق كالذي سبقه صدام حسين لانه خليفة صدام في الطغيان والجبروت عاد صدام كان ارحم منه بمراحل كثيره جدا

وشكرا يااخي على الخبرالساااااااااااااااااااار والله يبشرك بالاستقلال

05-07-2009, 12:32 AM
جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا اخي العزيز وانت فعلا تقدم خدمه عظيمه تجاه النضال التاريخي ضد الحكم الطفيلي الأرعن ,, حكم الاماميه الثانيه

وسيظل الطفيلي البائس وأذنابه في معزل عن الأمن والراحه والطمأنينه طالما ان رياح التغيير والتحرير مستمره و هنا وهناك وتهدد مشاريعه الاجراميه المستمره في نهب ثروات الجنوب
غير ان الطفيلي الأرعن اقرب صفه للمجرم القذافي وليس كالشهيد صدام حسين او البطل البشير,,, فالطفيلي البائس أشد ركوعا من القذافي بل أفضل من يركع ويخضع للغرب على مستوى العالم وقد ينجو من محاوله محاكمته,, وقد يتطلب الأمر معه تشديد المواقف وتنويع الأحداث المقاومه لاحتلاله حتى يضطر الى الوقوع في الهاويه ويرمي بكل ثقله الاجرامي تجاه المواطنين
نتمنى المزيد من الأخوه الاحرار في تصعيد قضيتنا للخلاص من كهف التخلف والفقر الذي يعتبر معتقلا مظلما للشعبين,,,,

05-07-2009, 02:39 PM
شكرا لكم .. اللهم انصر الجنوب